If a tooth is lost, it can be replaced by an implant. The implant is to be screwed into the jaw bone and simulates the former tooth root. It consists of titanium and is therefore anti-allergic. The abutment screwed into the inner thread simulates the reduced tooth. On top of this the dental crown is manufactured. Experts agree unanimously that nothing comes closer to nature than an implant.

Risks and counter indications:

• Severe diabetes mellitus
• Strong blood clotting medicaments
• Psychotropics
• Radiotherapy in case of cancer
• Strong smoking
• Insufficient oral hygiene
• Alcoholism


Adjacent teeth do not have to be reduced (for bridge replacement), in case of terminal gaps bridge replacement becomes possible, in case of complete prostheses the denture can be anchored firmly and cannot loosen or pinch anymore. Health and life quality are reproduced completely. Between the insertion of an implant and the manufacture of the prostheses a healing time of 4 to 6 months is to be respected. During that time the implant spot should not be stressed. Smoking should be given up completely. Also physical strain should be avoided. After every meal the mouth is to be rinsed with an antibacterial mouthwash-solution. Use a soft toothbrush in the first days. Then change to a medium toothbrush and water jet.


Only explicit care enables a durable success of an implantation. Besides the medium short headed toothbrush, interdental brushes, multifloss and a water jet are to be used. During the control twice a year a professional cleaning is to be carried out.
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